In the woods so silent,
Green and dark;
Green and dark;
I lay motionless,
Only soul, no bark.
Taking a break,
From my eternal sleep;
In retrospection I went,
To my life very deep.
A cheat I was,
A cheat I'll remain;
In the memories of all,
Oh! It gives me such pain.
The jingle of coins,
The only sound I yearned for;
My wife, my children,
The only people I earned for.
Until I could no more hold,
The burden of my sins;
To lose my life was better,
Than all my criminal wins.
Going to my last moment.
I knew I was wrong;
Still I held her hand,
Only for her did I long.
She mesmerized me with her beauty,
And called Herself Death;
I embraced her relieved,
And slowly kicked the bucket.
That all I've said,
Is to be paid much heed;
A warning by the dead:
Think before committing a misdeed.
I compose poems only when I am inspired greatly. The inspiration for this one was the atrocious acts committed by Hitler. I was deeply touched when I watched Schindler's List & read about WW2. I sympathize infinitely with the Jew community, & respect them for their intelligence which the Germans were jealous of.
Let this poem be a reminder to all who disrespect other communities or cheat others of their money to fill their pockets.
beautiful thoughts.i never knew you were so good with literature.its really very nice.
- alisha
@ Alisha: Thanks! I am better at literature than I am at Science :)
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