Thursday, November 19, 2009

We'll do it

Children of the world, we'll do it
We'll meet on endless shores
Making sandcastles and floating our boats
While people fight and defend their point of view
Forever putting on masks that are new
We'll swing the tide of time and do it.

Children of the world, we'll do it
With song and dance and innocent bliss
And the soft caress of a loving kiss
We'll do it.

While traders trade and haggle their price
And politicians try so hard to be nice
We'll meet on endless shores and floating our boats
We'll do it.

While lawyers argue and doctors treat
Stockbrokers quote the price on meat
While preachers preach and ring the bell
Carpetbaggers with something to sell
We'll sing and dance in innocent bliss
With the soft caress of a loving kiss
We'll do it.

Meeting on endless shores
Making sandcastles and floating our boats
We'll do it.

We'll ride the rainbow, a cloud, a storm
Flying in the wind, we'll change our form
We'll reach the stars, embrace the moon
We'll break the barrier and be there soon

While architects plan their buildings high
And trade unions raise their hue and cry
While boardroom squabbles generate heat
And in secret places dealers meet

We'll sing and dance in innocent bliss
And the soft caress of a loving kiss
We'll do it.

While philosophers grapple and continue to tackle
Endless dilemmas of body and mind
Physicists wander, continue to ponder
Perennial questions of space and time
Archeologists survey, continue to dig
Bygone treasures small and big

Psychologists probe, analyze the tears
Of hysterical notions, phobias, fears

While priests take confessions
In a serious session
And people struggle
In the hustle and bustle
In the noise and din
On the meaning of sin
We'll touch the stars, embrace the moon
Break the barrier, arrive there soon
Ride the rainbow, the cloud, the storm
Flying in the wind, changing our form

Children of the world, we'll do it

With song and dance and innocent bliss
The soft caress of a loving kiss
We'll do it.

- MJ

P.S. : MJ was larger than life & his thoughts beyond human rationale. Most of you will interpret the poem as I know you will. That is the difference between a legend & a commoner. For those who differ, welcome to MJism. 

Thursday, November 5, 2009


MJ: (1958...)

It was the afternoon of 28th Oct, 2009. I had missed our college cultural fest & had come down to Bombay to spend some time with my parents & witness MJ's last rehearsals on the big screen. In short, to be with my Gods!
I listen to MJ the whole day. I have watched His music & dance videos innumerable times, but still I couldn't get enough of Him. "The wait is finally over. This is it!" I thought to myself as I entered the theatre with two MJ-crazy-too friends of mine to watch the documentary "This is it" on the release day, first show.  The movie contains rehearsal footages of MJ's last show that never could happen.

The movie begins with the process of selection of dancers for the show. From a few thousands down to a handful. And by none other than the man himself. Michael Jackson. A genius performer knows the role of everybody involved in putting together the show. MJ watched the auditions with a hawk-eye & was clear-minded as to what exactly fit the bill. That is how he achieved perfection in each of his legendary performances.

The film goes on to capture the perfectionist rehearsing his art. His precise & fluid dance moves at an age of fifty left the lithe dancers performing with him breathless. One could see His deep passion for music that drove this King of Pop to achieve an unbeatable super-stardom for more than two decades. One could observe the awe & admiration in the eyes of the other artists who were a part of the entourage. "How can a celebrity of His magnitude be still so humble & down-to-earth?" was the question on everybody's mind.

Everybody in the world knows Michael Jackson. They can be divided into two groups. One, who are His true fans and "really" know Him. And the other, who have heard about him and never "really" knew Him. However, nobody could ignore this extra-ordinary living being. The film hopes the Group2 people move to Group1.

As the movie ended, I tried to keep my tears of awe & sadness from shedding in front of my female friends. MJ never really died, only His era did. He'll continue to live in the hearts of millions of His fans around the world who can never forget the magic of "Billie Jean" & the thousands of disadvantaged children who shall never forget how He "healed the world".

MJ, You are forever.